Hello blogland, just wanted to show you this fairy door i made using a mould that i won last year but never used.
I also used the katy sue pot mould and flowers.
The the toadstools are clay from a mould.
I painted the whole thing with Gesso first then when dry i used acrylic paints.
It does take time to make as you need drying time on each layer, i then gave the finished door three coats of outdoor Mod Podge, it is now under my tree.
What do you think?.
This is so cute Jules, love it.
Donna x
Jule's I love this little door very sweet
Kevin xx
Hi Jules, This is amazing, I love these doors and have been looking for a new one for the new babe to enjoy, now you've got me wanting to do this....hope your well hun....xxx
Love this,so pretty.I bought one at a craft fair last Christmas soooo cute.xxx
Ooh this is so fun and I can just imagine the beautiful fairy land when the little door opens.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
Beautiful fairy door.
I must have missed this.......what a lovely door!it's very cute, not seen them before
Tilly xx
Fabulous Fairy door and love the little toadstools
Carol x
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